my most beatiful gorgeous!
darling and myself went with dad to sim lim square to get a new videocam to take tonight's monents down for rememberance!!
Transicom Post-Christmas/Pre-CNY Company Dinner!!!
on the way to coronation plaza to get our hair done!!
So honoured to be invited by aunty lily to host the night's events. wahhh..
the most lucky thing that i'm able to be dining with my darling. she is also invited to the event. so honoured!! =D
dinner was at 7pm but i only kick started the event at 7.45pm as there were so many late comers. wahhh.. hahahax...
@ Roland Restarant, Marine Parade!
i asked the floor on who could dance with me. aunty lily came up spontaneously to dance with darling wants to collect rental from her for dancing with me already.
hosted a mini-karaoke competition for burmese and chinese friends. YUE LIANG DAI BIAO WO DE XIN!!
oh god.. opps i did it again!!
wah... 21 years never had a surprise birthday but this year i had one!
organised by the company, aunty lily and mum!! wahhh.. serious ah..
celebrating birthday in front of so many people!!!
here is the birthday song by the company!
birthday boy from another angle....
ni zhem me shuo - in english, hokkien with mandrin.
written by dongfang richard-
everyone went home happily after me saying good night in a song with aunty lily dancing with me once again!
the night cannot end without having a pic together with my darling in our best blown hair and gown! woo hooo!!! love her lots!