was actually looking through my picture gallery and I found pictures of my latest edition to the family (Nathan Tang) ==>my nephew!
these pics were taken during CNY when I was back home in Miri, Sarawak during that period.
see how much have he grown during the past few months. =D
so do you think he is cute?
-entry dated 29052007-
A New Born!
and is 2.9kg
Yes, he is finially here. Yesterday afternoon, Nathan Tang Chok Han came to this world at 1.05pm! born to Timothy and Patricia Tang whom are my cousins! my maternal side.
The another awaited boy in the family. now my maternal grandparents has 4 great-grand children in total with 2 great-grandsons and 2 great-granddaughters. our 4th generation!
ain't he cute?
right.. got the mms from tim this afternoon after congratulating them of being proud parents..
well, once again, congratulations Tim and Pat for the new born.
I cant wait to see him!!!
from singapore,
dongfang richard signing off
==> bi wo xing fu <==
1sc music publishing, singapore.
a member of
1st students' communications group