It was just exactly a week ago where I had dinner with my parents together with my mun darling at Prego in Swissotel The Stamford dining Italian food.
one week later? where am I? damn~ I hate to say!!!
in Perth, Western Australia!! arghhhh~ weather can kill.... i hope cool change would come. if not i would be sweating like mad even when im sleeping man!
gosh.. now what has been appearing in my dreams is a bowl with ice shavings??? GUESS WHAT AM I DREAMING OF MAN!!!! haixx~
Just got back from Aunty Jong Lin's Place as dinner was at her place. wuhahaha.. sumptious home cooked food man!!!
well, just managed to upload some pictures that i took yesterday when i was in uni man...
wah.. the theatre is showing something on me man... i was shocked when i saw this board!!!
spread the good words around k!! Dongfang RIchard is in Australia once again!! Bringing you good food and entertainment for blogging cause!!! Remind people!!
finally, most important... my valentines' day and birthday card from my dearest darling!! they are my motivators in my room now man!!!
oh yeah baby!!! love them so much!!
hmm.. wads next?
last but not least.. the saddest thing that i encounted would be most shocking that school fees have gone up at leastAUD$200 per unit man.. pissing people off...
i dun even have enough $$$ ahhh.. sadxxxx!!! cheque has not gone though yet.. luckily i have some spare cash to pay 1st... heng ah!!!
I miss my love so much here man!!! arghhhhhh~
DFRN Australia
the blogger.