thanks to my darling,girlfriend,fellow blogger,my love one, my special one, wadever you name her, from got me a new header!
time to hip hip horray
my gosh.. he can treat this kind of pain in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
or perhaps this is for attraction point?
PERIOD PAIN: Something to ponder upon?
Here is Hawker Cuisine located in Northbridge back alley beside Billy Lee's Restaurant.
this dish is stir-fried chicken.. very tasty! a Must Try!
Fried Pork!
and the all time favourite of everyone would be the MaPo Taufu!!!
wuhahahha.. everyone eats around AUD$15/person in an average tze-char dinner in Aussie lor!!
wahhh~ den what was for dessert was something which i have been dreaming of to have ever since monday!! it has been bugging my brain...
the one with a bowl with ice shavings on them and its kinda colourful???
whats that???

oh yea~ that's the ice kachang that im looking for but still not up to what i want.. anyone can help me on this?
where can i find good ice kachang in Perth? i want to eat!!!
well, have got to go!
for my mun darling with love,
quan signing off.